Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, today I saw an ad for endless shrimp at red lobster, but I'm pretty sure I didn't see a price. So, being the hungry person I am, I started looking for a price. But, first thing that came up was this gem of a blog. Pretty interesting hearing the opinions of the other side of the food service industry.

And from that blog, I found this article.
And from that article, I found this video: (warning! graphic nudity/ignorance...)

And from that video, I found these responses:
Most sensible response:

Most entertaining response: (turn down your volume)

(heh... "mon-T" =\= money, but that's what makes it entertaining.)

Most musical response: (yeah... not much to choose from in this category...)

Most interesting related video: (not a response)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow i cant believe people like that actually exist!!! mon-t lol. i heard you helped your bro move out....that means we can come over and play some poker or wii or something right?