Thursday, June 12, 2008

Already missing it

It feels pretty good to be free. No lie. But I haven't done any sort of math in weeks...  So here we go:

My phoning stats on my Samsung alias:
Total calls: 822
Total airtime: 814 minutes
Average call length: 59.4 seconds 
63% of calls were received with the average length of 70 seconds
37% of calls were dialed with the average length of 41 seconds
74% of airtime was spent on calls received
26% of airtime was spent on calls dialed

So I guess what this means is, I don't call very often... and when I do, it's all business.  I'm pretty sure no one can beat my short average call length, dollar to anyone who can with proof.  So do your own math and see if you're needy (high percentage of calls were dialed) or if you're needed (other way... obviously) 

p.s. congrats c/o 2008! Check out the tassels:
From left to right: Iced out "status tassel" (Dunno why I have it, I didn't order it), Gold GPA tassel (I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud), the classic (psh, lame... who doesn't have one of these? oh... sorry Casey [ULTRA BURN]), and finally the retro (which I just found while packing for vacation). 

So I was wondering what to do with the rest of my life at dinner today. We were at a seafood restaurant, and suddenly my gaze came upon  a beautiful piece of art (yeah, it literally came upon it... up on it and all over it. nasty). It must have cost a fortune:
(Sorry for the crappy shot, but I was too lazy to stand up, or crop the picture...) Basically, its a picture of four colorful fish, with the word "fish" repeated six times around the border. Very fitting for a seafood restaurant.  So anyways, I thought that being an artist would be cool. Selling pieces of crap like those fish would make me feel like a con-man though. A four year old could paint that... The artist was even bold enough to sign his name: Maqseman. Never heard of him and now I know why. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i got a tassle and i've worn it